V1.0 Wuhhhuuuu


Thats that.

There are still things that could be improved but I'm happy so far.

In the beginning I planned a small game where you can go up and down, customers come from the left and you can throw cookies at them to satisfy them.

Now I ended up with an actual small game.

Only three levels and still lacking some features and stuff I would like to have in a game but besides that it can actually be called a game.

Also I'm tired and sleepy, currently it's 1:30 am here sooo don't expect some high prose from me right now.

Well anyway, already working on my next project.

First I planned on making a game like Iron Lung but I got scarred away by Blender. I'm still bad with 3D.

Then I wanted to make a Zen garden game, like the Zen garden in Plants versus Zombies, of course I already planned feature creep, so I wanted to also add foraging, cooking and stuff. Made the sane decision to do this another time, when I don't take so long for a single sprite.

Now I plan on doing a little Metroidvania, just 3 Powerups, 3 Environments, 4 Enemy types and one or two bosses. Sprite size 16x16. Still a lot, but doable for me. I think. We will see...

Anyway, thats that. Have a nice day and good luck with whatever project you are working on.


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